Mental Health
Mental Health Awareness Week highlights that depression is widespread. Discover how diet impacts mental health.
Mental Health
450,000 people in Ireland suffer from depression. Discover how diet can impact your mental health and anxiety.
Mental Health Awareness Week
Each year, Mental Health Awareness Week takes place for a week in October. It culminates in Mental Health Awareness Day.
According to Aware, a voluntary organisation which supports people with depression, 450,000 people in Ireland suffer from depression at any one time. That is one in ten people. According to the HSE, one in six women experience post-natal depression.
Omega-3 for Mood Disorders
Long recognised for heart health benefits, Omega-3 fatty acids are emerging as an effective therapy for mood disorders. These disorders include major depression, post-natal depression and bipolar disorder. People with mental health issues such as depression may benefit from an additional 1,000 mg of EPA plus DHA included in Eskimo Brain 369.
Diet and Mental Health
Mental wellbeing and diet are intrinsically linked. Doctors believe that depression rates have risen over the past century as our intake of omega-3 fatty acids have fallen. This has caused an increase in conditions such as depression, ADD, dyslexia, and Alzheimer’s.
Given the brain is 60% fat, it stands to reason that the better the fat in the diet, the better the brain. While the average person’s brain is getting plenty of fat, the key issue is that it’s not getting the right kinds of fat. Oily fish provides the most beneficial and active omega-3 fatty acids, commonly referred to as EPA and DHA. These fats are vital for neurological health.
Studies show that EPA and DHA found in oily fish including sardines, anchovies, mackerel, salmon, tuna and herring can be uplifting and enhance your mood. The higher your levels of omega 3, the higher your level of serotonin will be. The reason for this is that omega-3 fats help build the brain’s receptor sites for serotonin, the feel-good hormone.
89% of people in Ireland do not consume enough oily fish in their diet. Therefore, often there is a need to take a good quality omega-3 fish oil such as Eskimo-3.
Omega-3’s and Anxiety
Over the past few years, scientists have started to look at omega-3’s potential to help in the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders.
Interestingly, liu et al (2013) showed the people with anxiety had lower levels of omega-3 EPA and DHA compared with those without anxiety symptoms.
Recently, researchers released the results of a systemic review and meta-analysis which questioned whether omega-3 treatment resulted in an improvement in anxiety symptoms. Kuan-Pin et al (2018) took data from 19 clinical trials including a total of 1,203 participants. Their findings were published in the JAMA Network Open journal. After analysis, their findings supported their initial theory, which saw a significant reduction in anxiety in the groups.
Omega-3 Dose for Good Mental Health
Studies show that you need 250mg DHA daily to support brain health. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends people eat fish twice a week, including one portion of oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, herring). However, if they do not like the taste of fish, you can supplement with fish oil.
It is recommended that you check your preferred supplement to see that you are getting adequate DHA, as often supplements can fall short. Eskimo Brain 369 combines the unique stable fish oil, Eskimo-3, which is high in DHA, with plant oils omega-6 and omega-9 along with brain friendly Co-Q10 and vitamin D.

Eskimo-3 Product Range for Mental Health
Eskimo-3 is a unique stable fish oil supplement containing a healthy balance of the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Omega-3 fatty acids have been well studied for their role in the support of many systems in the body, including heart, musculoskeletal, cognitive and during pregnancy.
Eskimo Brain 369
Eskimo Brain 369 (formerly named Eskimo Brainsharp) combines the unique stable fish oil, Eskimo-3, with ingredients such as CoQ10 and GLA to optimise brain and energy support. Omega-3 fatty acids have been well studied for their role in the support of many systems in the body including brain function.
Eskimo-3 Kids
Eskimo-3 Kids combines the unique stable fish oil, Eskimo-3, with omega-6, omega-9, vitamin D and vitamin E to offer children support. Omega-3 fatty acids have been well studied for their role in the support of many systems in the body including brain function. The supplement is available in two delicious natural flavours. Choose tutti-frutti flavour or orange flavour, which kids simply love!
Eskimo-3 Kids Chewable DHA+
Eskimo-3 Kids Chewable DHA+ is an omega-3 food supplement suitable for children aged 3 to 12 years. Eskimo-3 Kids Chewable DHA+ combines brain boosting omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, with choline and biotin in one easy to swallow chewable. Omega-3 fatty acids are the most critical building blocks of the brain; they are considered essential and must be obtained through diet or supplementation. Without these important fats, it can become difficult for children to concentrate, learn new information, and balance their moods properly. Each Eskimo-3 Kids Chewable DHA+ contains 254mg of omega-3 DHA to guarantee your child gets enough brain boosting nutrients daily.
Capsule or Liquid Form
Eskimo-3 comes in both capsule or liquid form. It is available from all leading health food stores and pharmacies nationwide.
Mental Health Awareness
Find out more about Mental Health Awareness Week from Mental Health Ireland.
If you are experiencing any mental health issues, please discuss with a close family member or friend, or your GP.