The Omega-3 Blog

Read Eskimo-3's latest blog posts about Omega-3 supplements, fish oils, vitamins, diet, health and nutrition.
Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet is a healthy diet and way of life inspired by ancient dietary patterns. It focuses on fresh plant-based foods and healthy fats to provide nutrients for long, healthy lives with reduced risk of developing chronic diseases.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids for good health and well-being. There are benefits for cells, bodily functions, heart, brain, vision, mood, energy, and much more. Discover what omega-3 fatty acids are, the types, function, sources, and 21 benefits of these healthy fats.

Omega-3 for Women

Omega-3 for Women

Why do women need Omega-3? Essential Omega-3 fats EPA and DHA boost women’s health throughout every life stage. Find out the health benefits.

Why Omega-3

Why Omega-3

Why Omega-3? Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are classified as Essential Fatty Acids. Discover what is Omega-3, the key benefits of EPA and DHA, and the scientific research behind it all.

7 Benefits of Fish Oils

7 Benefits of Fish Oils

Why should you incorporate fish oils into your nutrition? Personal Trainer discusses the benefits for inflammation, bones, mood and skin.

Family Health

Family Health

Protect your family with a daily boost of Omega-3 and Vitamin D. What are the supplement options for each age group of the family? Discover supplement options for adults, children and teenagers.

Health and Wellness Tips for Women

Health and Wellness Tips for Women

Top 10 health and wellness tips for women. Eating well, exercising, de-stressing, sleeping, and having fun are all important elements for women’s health and wellbeing.

The Power of Omega-3 in Sport

The Power of Omega-3 in Sport

Omega-3 fatty acids should be an important part of your exercise. Omega-3 fish oils target the heart, brain and vision for playing better sport.

Productivity at Home

Productivity at Home

Our top 11 tips to improve productivity when working or studying from home. Get focused, more energised and more productive with healthy habits for better work or study from home.

Omega-3 for School Children

Omega-3 for School Children

Give your little Einstein a head-start with smart fats. School children’s concentration levels need smart fats. Omega-3 fatty acids are the most critical building blocks of the brain.

Top Tips for Stress

Top Tips for Stress

Stress is a normal part of life. Learn to cope with our 7 top tips for managing and preventing stress.

Smart Fats for Kids

Smart Fats for Kids

Smart Fats for Kids? Give your children a head start with smart fats for the school year. Children need Omega 3 for every stage of their development.

Skin Health with Omega-3

Skin Health with Omega-3

Omega-3 is essential for healthy skin. It provides essential nutrients for skincare, anti-ageing, eczema, and psoriasis. Omega-3 deficiency can contribute to skin conditions.

Omega-3 and Vitamin D3

Omega-3 and Vitamin D3

Why does your body need Omega-3 and Vitamin D? Essential nutrients to beat the Winter blues, for good heath and activating your immune system.

Health and Wellness Tips for Men

Health and Wellness Tips for Men

Life expectancy is 5 years lower for men than women in Ireland. Men need to take charge of their health. Discover our top tips for better health and wellbeing for men.

Sleep Tips

Sleep Tips

Tips for a Good Nights Sleep. Sleep plays a vital role for good physical health. Discover the benefits of good sleep and our top tips to sleep better.

Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness Week highlights that depression is widespread. Discover how diet impacts mental health.

10 Facts About Fats

10 Facts About Fats

There are good and bad fats. There are also essential fats for good health. Find out the important fat facts.

Natural Ways to Manage Anxiety

Natural Ways to Manage Anxiety

Anxiety affects 1 in 13 people in Ireland. Diet, lifestyle and food supplements are all tools to help manage anxiety. Discover natural ways to manage anxiety.

Healthy Ageing with Nutrition

Healthy Ageing with Nutrition

The risks of serious health conditions increase as we grow older. Good nutrition is vital for healthy ageing. Diet and supplements are important for arthritis, heart disease and cognitive decline.

Brain Foods

Brain Foods

What are the the top foods to improve brain function and brain power? Discover the best food for better mental health.

Support your Joints

Support your Joints

8 tips to support your joints. Discover dietary and lifestyle recommendations to help reduce inflammation and facilitate quicker exercise recovery times.

Heart Health

Heart Health

10 steps for better heart health. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death. Making changes in diet and lifestyle can help prevent heart disease.

Healthy Gift Guide

Healthy Gift Guide

Gift guide for the health conscious! We have gathered a list of healthy gift ideas, and we have given our favourite Irish examples of each



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