How to Optimise Brain Power to Study for Exams
Tips to help your brain study for exams.
Optimise Brain Power to Study for Exams
How to optimise brain power when studying for exams? Whether you are looking for more brain power in the run up to exams or want to stay sharp in your next meeting, follow these tips to boost brain power.
Master your Schedule
Creating a schedule is crucial to being productive and efficient when working from home or studying for exams. On Sunday evening, sit down and consider the coming week to schedule important tasks, classes/meetings, projects or deadlines. This will help lay out your schedule for the week ahead based on importance. At the end of each day, write down your to-do list for the following day. This way you can get straight down to business and not waste any time.
Create a Study Space
Organise a space in your home that screams productivity. Make sure you have all the necessary equipment and work accessories while being away from areas associated with relaxation e.g., TV, your bed, etc. Remove all distractions such as video games, access to social media, your phone and junk food.
Brain Food
Fill up on brain foods. Having balanced meals and snacks spaced evenly throughout the day will help you feel alert and stable. It will also make you less susceptible to compulsive snacking. Aim for a combination of protein (eggs, lean meat, Greek yoghurt, beans, pulses), healthy fats (avocado, oily fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil), and fibre (wholegrains, vegetables, berries). Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids e.g., water, herbal teas, kombucha, smoothies.
Omega-3 Brain Fuel
Omega-3 is fuel for your brain. Omega-3 DHA is vital for healthy brain function. It plays crucial roles in the structural integrity of brain cells to support memory, focus and concentration. As our body cannot produce Omega-3s, they must be obtained through diet (oily fish, seeds, nuts) or supplements. Without these important fats, it can become difficult for adults or teens to concentrate, learn new information, and balance their moods properly. IPSOS found that 89% of Irish people are not consuming sufficient oily fish (2 to 3 portions a week) in their diet. Fish oil supplements are therefore key to make sure you get enough.

Be Accountable
Being held accountable is an important part of keeping on track. Whether it’s handing in an assignment to your teacher on time or teaming up with a study buddy or group who share similar goals and tasks. You will be more prepared and stay focused if you know your buddy and group is counting on you.
Study Style
Identify your preferred style of studying. We all learn differently and have our own style of studying. No two people are exactly the same when it comes to study preferences. To get the most out of your studying, it’s important to better understand what works for you, and what doesn’t. Using visuals, acronyms, writing flash cards, repetition, recording and learning via teaching are some common ways to memorize material. Choosing methods that best suit your study style will help maximise your brain power.
Limit Phone Use
Only check your phone at certain times in the day. So much productivity is lost to scrolling through social media or mindlessly following Twitter hashtags. It’s important to remember, there is no end to your social media feed, so it’s up to you to discipline yourself!
There are plenty of apps available to help reduce distractions. These include Forest, Freedom and Serene.
Daily Exercise
Studying from home can really reduce your steps, so make sure you include exercise slots in your weekly schedule. Try to include some outdoor activity, stretching and a cardio workout to get your heart pumping. Enjoy exercise such as a dance class, exercise class, weights class, boxing class. As Nike says, just do it!
Get your zzzz’s in! Making sure you’re getting good quality sleep is fundamental if you want to boost your productivity when working from home. It’s a good idea to have a set bedtime during the work week. Switch off all technology an hour before bed and create an ambience of calm in your surroundings to get you in a restful state. Follow our tips for a good night’s sleep.
Be Positive and De-stress
Try to remain in a positive frame of mind by using mantras, motivational quotes on post-its, or surrounding yourself with friends and family who lift you to greater heights. Keep stress to a minimum by getting enough sleep, exercising daily and using techniques such as mindfulness, yoga, or pilates.
Feeling overwhelmed? Why not try the app Headspace, which will teach you the life-changing skills of meditation and mindfulness in just a few minutes a day.

Brain Power Supplement
Looking to increase your brain power? Whether you are studying for exams, or just are looking to increase your mental performance, Eskimo Brain 369 can help.
Eskimo Brain 369 is a powerful supplement formulated to support the brain, cognitive function, immunity, heart function and vision. Its unique formula combines fish oil rich in omega-3 with seed oils rich in omega-6 and omega-9 plus coenzyme Q10, vitamin D and E to support healthy cognitive and memory function. Vitamin D3 is essential for strong bones, a healthy immune system and muscular function.